Lois has been active in Sweet Adelines since 1980, filling various musical and administrative leadership roles at the chorus and regional levels. After moving from Wisconsin to Massachusetts in the late 70's, she found Sweet Adelines while searching for a musical "hobby". As a Certified Director she directed barbershop choruses in Greenfield and in Framingham before joining the Liberty Belle Chorus in 2000. She has also been involved in various quartets, singing tenor in her early years, and baritone in more recent years. She is currently the baritone of Bari’d Treasure Quartet and is celebrating eight years of harmony with this talented group. She has also been singing baritone with Flyin’ High Quartet the past twenty-one years.
Lois loves learning and performing the wonderful variety of music that barbershop offers and enjoys helping the chorus improve their vocal skills. As a Music Team member, she enjoys working with the chorus to unify their sound, help them find the resonance in their voices, and continuously strive for the "ring" in their tones! She can't imagine finding anywhere else the same camaraderie and fellowship that Sweet Adelines has brought her. She learned long ago that Sweet Adelines is not just a hobby.... it became a passion for always wanting to improve her own vocal and performance skills, and for sharing that passion with her fellow singers and audiences!