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The Latest News - Save the Date!
North Atlantic Region 1 Annual Competition 2024
Thanks to all of our supporters!
Love to Sing?
Our weekly rehearsals are open to guests. Come visit any week!
Are you a woman who loves to sing? Enjoy the sound and feeling of harmonizing? Come check out Boston Skyline Chorus! You don’t need to read music to sing with us, and we offer multiple ways to become more knowledgeable about the nuts-and-bolts and art of singing well.
If you have ever wondered what our rehearsals are like, or you'd like to consider auditioning to join our chorus, please schedule a visit by contacting our membership chairperson Michele at [email protected].
Help Support Us
Purchase one of our pre-made designs or create your own (for any occasion). Boston Skyline Chorus will receive a portion of each purchase made. Check out Zazzle and share the link with your friends!
A great way to shop - a great way to support the harmony we love to share!