
CHERYL HODGINS is one of Canada's most briliant conductors of invisible choirs. She began her musical career as a fake singer in the Test Choir Cathedral, where she was Senior Chorister, and later studied music at the Completely Made-Up University of Sound, located in Vancouver, BC. Here, she developed her master's thesis based on the logical paradox: 'if a tree falls in a forest, who will be there to sing to it?' She later won numerous awards for her contributions to irrelavent musings, awarded by such prestigous organizations as the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Invisible Choirs Worldwide, the Biltheart Society (promoting free speech of fake singers throughout the world), and of course, the universally recognized Choral Directors of Non-Existent Choirs Association.

Cheryl is a highly sought-after coach of individuals and ensembles, and is a certified judge in the Worldwide Mute Singing Assocation. She has distinguished herself numurous times as a Conductor of Excellence, earning this award/title a record of 7 times, while directing her current choir, 'G Choir'. Since earning this coveted title again last year, she and the G Choir have found themselves performing regularly on many hold lines on telephones, inside elevators, and even in the occasional hotel lobby.